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Reality and Technology

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR technology places the user into a virtual world, thus disabling perception of the real environment. The more human sensory abilities are activated, the deeper is the immersion. The “standard” VR package includes a virtual reality helmet that hides the real world from the user, headphones for playing sounds of the virtual world, and hand controllers which help the user to control interaction with objects in the virtual world.

Thus, for some tasks movement in the virtual environment and interaction with 3D objects using the mouse and keyboard may be sufficient; while in other cases we can use sensor gloves, which replace hand controllers and enhance immersion in the virtual world, platforms for simulating walking in the virtual world, as well as other technical means.

To track the user’s location and behavior in the virtual world, a tracking system can be used to determine the position of human body parts (arms, legs, head, etc.) in space.

We can simulate any type of environment in the worlds of virtual reality: both conforming to the laws of physics, and violating them.

Augmented reality (AR)

Augmented reality is designed to add information to existing real-world objects. When using augmented reality, the user can get additional information displayed on the screen of a smartphone or any other electronic device, with reference to the physical object of the real world. Such scheme for information presentation is often used to place information about objects, when other types of information placement are impossible. An example is the QR codes located next to museum exhibits. When the smartphone scans a code, the exhibit’s history, a video about it and any other information can be displayed on the screen.

In production processes, as well as in personnel training, AR can be used to post information regarding the required sequence of actions during maintenance and repair of equipment, its design, etc.

Thus, augmented reality objects are simply superimposed on top of the surrounding real world.

Mixed reality (MR)

Mixed reality is the technology that allows combining objects of the real and virtual world in such a way that the user has a feeling of their interaction. In this case, the objects of the real and virtual worlds are located at the “correct” points relative to each other, and the user has the feeling that these objects can interact. There is a point of contact between the real and virtual worlds.

To create mixed reality, users must use special equipment, i.e. mixed reality glasses with transparent screens between lenses.

Game technologies

Game technologies have recently been widely used in personnel training. An important element in training is the use of educational scenarios that provide constant feedback for timely adjustment of user actions and immersion in the process. The use of individual game elements is possible both in learning and business processes (gamification).

Learners develop a sense of ownership and interest in achieving goals. Together with the general gaming experience, which is contributing to users’ emotional involvement, it enhances motivation and provides the earliest possible acquisition of knowledge and development of skills.

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